Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hoefler & Frere-Jones

I interrupt the font reviews to bring you a set of design agencies that I have grown to love. The subject this week is the design agency Hoefler & Frere-Jones.
   The reason I picked them is because the majority of the fonts they create have a very cool and sophisticated feel. Some appear art-decoish, while others could be found on the window of some high-class shop on main street. But this is not the only type, and some more common or even retro styles can be found. Some fonts that they have made that particularly catch my eye are the Didot, the namesake type: Hoefler text, the Landmark font, and the Idle wild. Why I like each of thee is coming up in the next 4 font reviews. Here is the link to their website, if you want to check it out.

Notice the link. Maybe a bit pretentious? But I think they earned it:

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