Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Finally! Font review- Nebulae

I may have been a little bit hard on them. I can see plenty of marketable area for those fonts, and they aren't ugly, just bland. But for a font review... ugh. HOWEVER- LucasFonts does have a few unique looks that can still be conceivably used in public, the first of which is Nebulae:

Would you agree- that looks pretty neat. The color scheme, although it was derived from the website, works extraordinarily well, but it is not limited to just orange. A blue or green could work just as well. The font itself may be a tinge bit difficult to read up close, but not that bad at all when the reader is further away. This font would be right at home in flyers for science festivals, or perhaps a particle effects demonstration. Pull this one off correctly, and it will have a very cool feel.

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