Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Font Review- Agency FB

Agency FB, the narrow font used for all of your squished textual needs. I will be honest, this one is also hard to read, but not as bad as most. It is a sans-serif font that is condensed in a horizontal fashion. The type is monospaced, meaning that it has the same width from letter to letter. This type of font is best used in some military or combat-based setting. It has a look to it that takes advantage of a design principle of vertical height, implying power. We can see its usage in the military setting from the overwhelming presence it has in the game "Call of Duty: Black Opps 2", where the font is the primary lettering of the game itself. Personally, I like the font, I don't find it too obnoxious, and it has a more polished, designish look than most. 

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